Heather D.'s Articles Liked | Page 70

  • Under the Weather Beauty Advice

    Under the Weather Beauty Advice

    Celebrity makeup artist and health expert Jeffrey Paul shares his tips on how to get your body and beauty back in order, even when you’re feeling under the weather.

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  • Eat Your Way to a Better Complexion
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    Eat Your Way to a Better Complexion

    It's true, you are what you eat! Did you know that what you digest can solve problems such as acne, dry skin, rosacea, and wrinkles? We spoke with an expert to find out exactly which foods can fix these pesky skin issues.

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  • Do Sleep Aids Really Work?

    Do Sleep Aids Really Work?

    With so many people finding it hard to get enough rest, it's no wonder there are more easy-to-use sleep aids on the market. Beautylish's Tara tries out Dream Water to see if it really works.

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  • Beauty Detox: Energy Soup

    Beauty Detox: Energy Soup

    Winter is ideal for warming up with soups, so why not enjoy one that will give you an energy and immune boost as well? This week celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder gives us a recipe for cauliflower energy soup, a quick and easy-to-make meal that is high in vitamins and nutrients.

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  • Should You Detox?

    Should You Detox?

    Wondering whether a detox diet will rid you of your holiday pounds? Keep reading to find out which cleanses will actually help you get healthier and which ones are a waste of time and money.

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  • Taste Test: Beauty Drinks

    Taste Test: Beauty Drinks

    We've seen our share of unique beauty inventions, but the latest one to crop up in the past few years is the beauty beverage. These elixirs promise glowing skin and healthy hair from the inside out, but are they worth the high cost per bottle? We put four formulations to the test.

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  • What are Those Bumps Under Your Eyes?

    What are Those Bumps Under Your Eyes?

    Have you ever noticed strange white dots on your face? Keep reading to find out what these tiny pesky marks really are and how you can treat them.

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  • Body by Kit: The Ugly Duckling Syndrome

    Body by Kit: The Ugly Duckling Syndrome

    This week, health and fitness expert Kit Rich tackles the issues that come with late beauty bloomers and explains why women who had awkward, unattractive phases in their adolescence may be better off in the long run.

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  • Wake Up Beautiful!

    Wake Up Beautiful!

    Good morning! Even if you prep before you hit the sheets, beauty mishaps can occur while you snooze. From smudged nail polish to bad breath, we got easy bedtime solutions so you can welcome the sun looking gorgeous.

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  • 3 Natural Ways to Relieve PMS
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    3 Natural Ways to Relieve PMS

    Cramps, bloating, and tenderness are just some of the symptoms of PMS, but did you know you can reduce them with diet, exercise, and supplements? Click through to discover how to keep those nasty side effects at bay.

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