Melissa B.'s Articles Liked
- 372
Nail Art Superstar: Madeline Poole
From junk food to high fashion, Madeline Poole doesn’t rule out inspiration for her nail art from anywhere.
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Nail Art Superstar: Mia Rubie of Superfly Nails
From a major in business to a major nail art aficionado, meet Mia Rubie of Superfly Nails
Halloween Looks
- 451
Lady Gray: Grayscale Makeup You Can Master!
Halloween revelers will be doing double takes once you master this eye popping makeup effect
Halloween Looks
- 414
Bone-fied Nail Tutorial
Chelsea King gives us her take on a chic Halloween mani.
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Master Mani Tutorial: Electric Circles
A graphic dress from Finnish designer Marimekko inspired Chelsea King’s latest nail tutorial. It’s advanced, yes—but don’t be intimidated! She walks us through ever single step here.
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3 Glam Bug Sprays That Really Work
During summer, the second Tia Williams steps outside, mosquitoes attack. If you’re a bug magnet too, try these repellant picks—which really work, without making you reek of DEET.
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Nail Art Superstar: Whitney Gibson
Need some mani inspiration? Our new series in which nail art stars show off their work kicks off with the very talented Whitney Gibson of the collective Nailing Hollywood.
Nail Tutorials
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Master Mani: Graphic Op-Art in Black, White, and Red
An intricate but definitely DIY-able mani in the most classic trio of colors. Nail art star Chelsea King (aka Chelsea Queen) shows us how it’s done.
From the Shop
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Tutorial: Sultry, Smokey Eye with Wayne Goss, The Eye Set
Wayne Goss, The Eye Set is available now! We’re celebrating with a lesson—from Wayne himself—in getting perfect smokey eyes.
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Pre-Shampoo Treatments: Not Just A Marketing Ploy!
How do you get parched, heat-damaged, seriously color-treated locks really soft and shiny? A pre-cleanse, says Tia Williams.