Becca G.'s Articles Liked | Page 3
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Extreme Nails: What It’s Really Like
Ever thought about getting crazy-long fake nails? One writer tells all about her first experience with acrylics.
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Wayne Goss Makeup Brushes Are Coming! Here Are Some Of His Best Tips While You Wait
In anticipation of the exclusive launch of Wayne Goss’s brush collection on Beautylish next month, we’re sharing some of his most helpful video tutorials.
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The New, 68-Year-Old Face of NARS. More, Please!
The popular makeup brand is challenging cultural perceptions about beauty and age—and others are following suit. Bravo, NARS!
Hair Removal
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Is More-Natural Body Hair the Next Big Thing in Beauty?
Body hair has been sort of a hot news item lately. Here’s the case for why you might consider letting yours grow (not the least of which is saving a LOT of time in the shower).
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Art History, Beauty Edition: Horst Rechelbacher, Founder of Aveda
From mixing shampoo in his kitchen sink to drinking his own natural hairspray to make a point, here’s the how the late Horst Rechelbacher started Aveda and helped popularize the natural beauty movement.
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10 Spring Fragrances, Tried and Tested
Happy almost-spring! It’s time to try out some new scents, no?
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Juice Your a Better Period!
Kiss bloating and cramps goodbye with a raw juice recipe for a more comfortable period.
Obsessed: Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel
For years, our writer couldn’t even hear the words “facial peel” without having a panic attack. Now thanks to Juice Beauty’s all-natural Green Apple Peel, she’s over her phobia, and obsessed.
outFit with Kit
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My A-Ha Moment, and Tips for Discovering Your Purpose
Kit shares three tips she’s learned over the years for finding your true purpose in life—regardless of how long it might take.
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Dermal Needling: What It Is and Who It’s For
“Microneedle” facial rollers are all over the web, but before you let those impressive before-and-afters seduce you, read this. Dermal needling requires a pro touch.