Karen K.'s Articles Liked | Page 2
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The Ultimate Guide to Brow Products: What to Buy, How to Apply
Brows are the centerpiece of your face, so they need extra TLC. But do you go for pencils? Gels? Waxes? Do you need stencils? The queen of everything brows—Anastasia Soare—fills us in.
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Beauty History Lesson: How M.A.C. Redefined the Makeup Industry
M.A.C. cosmetics is loved by many in the beauty industry, but do you know how the mega brand came to be? Read on to find out how two entrepreneurs built one of the most successful makeup lines in just 15 years.
Tips & Tricks
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4 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Wearing Bold Lipstick
You admire people who wear bright, bold lipsticks—but you’re scared to do it yourself. Sound familiar? Our writer shares four tips to help get you over your fear.
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Change Your Color, Change Your Mood: A Chakra-Inspired Beauty Guide
A rainbow of makeup can do more for your well-being than make you look pretty. Here we explore chakra theory, and how putting a different color on your lips or fingertips might change your entire outlook.
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Stray Grays? 3 Ways to Cover Them Up Fast
For most of us, going gray at some point is inevitable. But there are some quick fixes for masking them between color appointments. Tia Williams shares her favorites here.
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Beauty Basics: How to Apply and Store Your Favorite Perfumes
Is there a right and wrong way to apply perfume? Pretty much. Scent-heads, listen up.
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$5 Versus $50: What Makes a High-End Lipstick High-End?
With lipstick, is the old cliche that you get what you pay for true? Usually, yes! Read on for a closer look at what determines product prices all along the spectrum.
Power Punch: The Red-Orange Lipstick Review
Red alert! Code orange! These bright lipsticks are anything but average.
Nail Tutorials
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Master Mani: Graphic Op-Art in Black, White, and Red
An intricate but definitely DIY-able mani in the most classic trio of colors. Nail art star Chelsea King (aka Chelsea Queen) shows us how it’s done.
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Are You Skipping This Necessary Skin Care Step?
Indie Lee is just one of many experts who swears by toners. Here she shares the 411 on what to buy, how to use it, and just what toner can do to perfect your skin.