Beauty Product Reviews

I love it, but...

This brush is even softer than airbush which is already soft like dream, but as a highlight brush it barely grab any product, and make glitters all over my face. For me I use it as a contour brush and it blends beautifully. In my view Wayne's airbrush is a better highlight brush than this, but it still works the other way around.


too good to be true

我先买了原版的air brush 再买这把限量版的,多给了五刀颜值税,真的非常好用,一把刷子可以解决眼影高光修容腮红定妆,真的非常柔软,云端触感,抓粉也非常棒,均匀的效果非常好,能把开架化出大牌的质感!好的刷子真的非常重要啊!如果预算有限的话买原版就可以了。不要用真毛刷刷膏体,会损伤刷子的,刷子的工艺让我想起中国的毛笔。

I bought a original air brush first, it's so good I can't help myself to buy this one as a backup, it did its job as Wayne claimed that you can use it to highlight, contour, powder or whatever you want.(don't use it on liquid or wax base product).t blend really beautifully and soft like dream! If you only can have one brush, I will recommend you to buy this one, if you out of budget, buy the original one. It reminds me Chinese writing brush .

Great Brushes

These brushes are so great. I love that little brush for inner corner, it's a really brilliant design. The brush case has bad smell but the brushes are okay, you can leave it under the sun for a couple of days the smell will disappear.


I watched all of Charlotte’s makeup tutorials on YouTube I am a huge fan of her. I really excited about this gift because it has all the products that I want to try, especially the magic cream and wonder glow!

Magic cream is a really good moisturizer, its creamily texture and scents of luxury perfume nearly makes me cry.

The wonder glow really shocks me, now I understand why her models are shiny after putting it on, it has glitter in it and it will melt with your foundation no matter what foundation you used even a full coverage one it still keeps shining. I will buy a full size magic cream and wonder glow.

I've got the fut fat lash mascara already so this little one is good for traveling.

Pillow talk is the most used lip liner on her videos but I am a little bit disappointed on it because the texture is dry and the color makes me look pale, not a fan of this.

The Penelope Pink is one of Charlotte’s favorites(the other one is Pillow Talk)It works really well with smokey eye look it's kind of orange nude, though I rarely use nude lipstick but I love its smothing texture.

long story short: worth buying!

wonderglow妆前乳真的厉害,怪不得CT的模特涂完跟打了水光针一样,里面有闪片,而且是液体的质地涂抹和上脸不会有硅胶感,我震惊到爆炸!再讲一下魔法霜,是那种奶油冰激凌的质地,看着很厚,其实上脸就化开了,一点点就很滋润,而且有非常好闻的香味,不是那种廉价的香精味,而是像高级香水调子里的花香,这就是钱味道!睫毛膏我有正装,虽然大家不喜欢它会晕,但是它真的使用感和平价睫毛膏差别很大,它晕都是有种烟熏感觉的晕,我觉得可以试试这个小的,大的的确是有点贵的。唇线笔真的很干,不是很喜欢,颜色也不太适合我;裸色唇膏很润,偏橙,要化大烟熏的眼妆来平衡,日常会显得有点苍白,虽然颜色不是很适合我,但是唇膏是个好唇膏。如果你想试试CT经典的畅销产品买这个套装是不会失望的,如果只是想试试护肤品的话可以买goodness skin 那个套盒会比较实惠。

It's oily

I know why people said it's moistening because it has oil in it. If you don't like cleaning oil at all this is not for you. But it works with water very well and didn't irritate my eyes. I will keep using it but I won’t buy it again. It is a good product but I am not a fan of cleaning oil. Those who have a very dry skin may give it a try. 为什么它那么滋润是因为它里面有油!加了水会好一点,但是还是会有点油,卸得还是挺干净的,不会刺激眼睛,如果不喜欢卸妆油的话就不要买这个,这个卸妆巾对干皮比较友好。

all in a pallet

It's perfect, and blend like dream! I think the most interesting thing about this pallet is the color present is different on different people. I use it on my friend whose skin tone is fair it looks like more in pink side, It's kind of like gold and peach. But I use it on my mom it more like a brown tone, just so gorgeous!如果你的预算只够买一个CT的产品,买这个盘是最划算的,眼影腮红高光修容都在一个盘里,而且有个大镜子,能够应付所有日常的妆容,不同的人用出来的颜色有点差别,不过都非常非常美!!


I've been using drugstore mascaras for a very long time. This is the fist time I buy a high end mascara. It worth worth every penny I spend. It's so comfortable to wear and the application is easy. My lashes are really short but it still works for me, I can see the difference immediately, they become much longer and really black!!!