Nicole P.'s Articles Liked | Page 5
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DIY Beauty: Carrot Face Mask
Not only are carrots good for your health, they can tone and clarify your skin, since they are naturally antiseptic and packed with vitamins (like carotene) and iron. Nom on some carrot sticks while you whip up this easy face mask that will be soothing and delicious for your skin!
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DIY Beauty: Hair Rinse
Cleansing your hair with a hair rinse will revive your hair and remove buildup from your daily shampoos and styling products. Find out which everyday kitchen products can be used to create your own inexpensive hair rinse!
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DIY Beauty: Strawberry Face Masks
Face masks are a great way to feed your skin healthy antioxidants. Here are three strawberry masks that can help cleanse, exfoliate and brighten your skin.
Face Skincare
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DIY Banana Beauty Recipes
Always in season, bananas are readily available at your grocery store. This fruit is packed with potassium, vitamin B and C, and tryptophan that help revitalize dry skin and hair. Here are three banana recipes to help you stay soft and silky all summer!
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DIY Sunburn Soothers
We know you’re diligent about your sun care, but sometimes the SPF just doesn’t cut it. If you find yourself with an unsightly and unbearable sunburn, we’ve got three all-natural DIY skin soothers that will decrease inflammation and speed up the post-burn aftermath.
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Slumber Party D.I.Y. Beauty Ideas!
Girly slumber parties are always fun, but add your own homemade beauty masks and treatments and you'll have an even better time!
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DIY Blueberry Skin Care Recipes
Did you know that blueberries have some of the highest antioxidant levels among all fruits and vegetables? See how you can turn this delicious and healthy snack into super potent skin care this summer.
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DIY Cucumber Skin Care Recipes
In many regions, humidity and heat are in full force in late August and September, so it's important to stay hydrated and refreshed. Keep cool with these simple (and edible) cucumber skin-care concoctions!
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DIY Gibson Tuck Hair Tutorial
The Gibson tuck was a popular way for women to style their hair in the early 20th century and is now back as an elegant red carpet favorite. Here's our easy how-to.
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DIY Garlic Beauty Recipes
When you’re not using garlic to fight off vampires this month, you can incorporate it into your beauty regimen. Here are some of our favorite recipes for keeping your complexion clear and fang-free.