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Jul 24, 2020

Leslie D.

Nice! You have some amazing skills in make-up. By the way, I am really bad at makeup but I like to do good make-up and can appreciate it. Well, hopefully with the help of your blog on https://www.essaywritingservicesrev... I will learn makeup for sure one day. Keeping fingers crossed!

Hi Chimere! I'm the community manager and I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Beautylish! If you have any questions please feel free to be in touch with me! xoxo

Chimere W.

Location: DMV - ATL - [ NC ]

Sexy, how ya derrin?

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About Me

I'm just a college student who expresses herself through makeup (: .

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Deep
Skin Type: Dry, Oily
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: Normal, Dry
Birthday: August 24
Age: 31