Holky D.'s Articles Liked | Page 4
- 1416
Advanced Core Work on the Exercise Ball
Strengthen your core with with these simple exercise-ball routines.
Face Skincare
- 1307
Cosmetic Oils: What’s Good for Skin and Hair, and What’s Not
Are beauty oils miraculous for hair and skin? Or do they just make you break out? We outline the pros and cons of oil-based products.
- 1883
How to Get What You Want at the Makeup Counter
Don't get into that chair without knowing these simple things.
Product Trends
- 284
Prettiest Tinted Lip Balms
While bold color is a hot trend this season, some Beauties prefer the moisturizing goodness and sheer color of a tinted lip balm. These are our current must-haves.
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Drag Queen Tips: Cook Your Face!
Take a tip from the world’s most famous drag queens and “cook” your concealer for a long-lasting, flawless finish.
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Attack of the Love Handles
This is a great routine to attack those pesky love handles!!
Tips & Tricks
- 1965
Hygiene tips for artists and their makeup kits
Whether you are a professional working makeup artist or a major makeup lover, keeping your product sanitary and yourself hygienic is essential to protecting you and your client from possible infections.
- 3529
Lucas' Papaw Ointment, an Industry Secret
Cracked lips? Chapped skin? Rashes and burns and eczema, oh my?! Toss this little red tube into your purse and begin the healing process.
- 1198
An Athlete At Heart
I used to be an avid soccer player. Obsessed really. Even though I do a lot of Pilates, I am, and will always be, an athlete at heart. And right now, I’m really into moves that make me feel like an athlete. I like to feel strong and powerful. Bring on the intensity!
- 2405
Get rid of that back arm fat you cursed for years, and tone and strengthen your muscles. This one should definitely be in your regular maintenance routine.