Alyssa F.'s Articles Liked | Page 5
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Makeup Meets Color Theory
Are you creatively blocked when it comes to color? If you find yourself choosing a neutral palette day after day, it’s time to break out your box of colors! But if you’re not sure which shades to pick, it helps to understand the basics of color theory first. Keep reading for five fundamental ways to use color with your makeup!
DIY Skin Care
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A DIY Lip Balm Perfect for Winter
Winter chill got you chapped? Try this easy-to-make peppermint lip balm recipe.
Photo Call
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7 Santa-Approved Christmas Manicures
Even the North Pole needs some holiday manicure cheer.
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5 Small Steps To Change Your Body Dramatically
We've all got New Year's resolutions, but sticking to them is the real challenge. Practical methods to introduce diet and fitness habits into your life will help you keep your 2012 vows. Keep reading for 5 ways you can have a healthier lifestyle, and look slimmer by summer!
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10 Ideas to Make Fitness Fun
Are you bored with your current workout routine? Get physical with these 10 motivational fitness tips.
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outFit with Kit: Strong Arms
“Strong was my skinny. Strong was my feminine. Strong was my new sexy, and tight arms were just icing on the cake.” Kit Rich discovered toned arms by accident, but her exercises will leave your arms defined, sculpted, and strong.
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outFit With Kit: The Morning Wake-Up Workout
Need a little help getting up in the morning? Try this two-minute Pilates ab routine that gets Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich up and ready for her day!