Rachel N.'s Articles Liked | Page 12
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Is Your Hair pH Balanced?
Brands are beginning to formulate hair care products designed to keep your pH levels in equilibrium, but does this scientifically based concept have any visible effect on your locks?
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Eat Your Way to a Better Complexion
It's true, you are what you eat! Did you know that what you digest can solve problems such as acne, dry skin, rosacea, and wrinkles? We spoke with an expert to find out exactly which foods can fix these pesky skin issues.
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Body by Kit: The Ugly Duckling Syndrome
This week, health and fitness expert Kit Rich tackles the issues that come with late beauty bloomers and explains why women who had awkward, unattractive phases in their adolescence may be better off in the long run.
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3 Natural Ways to Relieve PMS
Cramps, bloating, and tenderness are just some of the symptoms of PMS, but did you know you can reduce them with diet, exercise, and supplements? Click through to discover how to keep those nasty side effects at bay.
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Botanical Beauty
DIY beauty ingredients are everywhere, including your backyard! Keep reading to discover which herbs from your garden (and bounty in your pantry) can transform your skin.
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The Best DIY Facial Ever
Sheet masks may look a little Casper-meets-Hannibal Lecter, but this Eastern beauty secret is now popular in the West! See how the latest fabric facials can help you achieve flawless skin.
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Where do Your Dark Spots Come From?
Who likes dark spots? Definitely not us! We spoke with a derm to discover just how sunspots and those pesky dark patches from pimples actually occur, and how you can get rid of them.
Skin-Saving Tips That Can Change Your Complexion
You don’t have to be a millionaire to have incredible skin—you just need to know these tips!
3 Ways to Detox Your Skin After the Holidays
Take it from Dr. Ava Shamban—your skin needs a little TLC after the holidays.