Abbie K.'s Articles Liked
- 1185
Must-Have Cult Product: The Perfect Red Lipstick
According to James Vincent, no product makes as much of a statement as a simple swipe of red lipstick. Here, he shares his favorite reds of all time.
- 1883
How to Get What You Want at the Makeup Counter
Don't get into that chair without knowing these simple things.
These Punchy Lip Glosses Smell Like Summer
Summer is almost here, but not quite. Get a jump on swimsuit season with a tropical-inspired, super-pigmented lip.
- 6593
Makeup Meets Color Theory
Are you creatively blocked when it comes to color? If you find yourself choosing a neutral palette day after day, it’s time to break out your box of colors! But if you’re not sure which shades to pick, it helps to understand the basics of color theory first. Keep reading for five fundamental ways to use color with your makeup!
Tips & Tricks
- 1305
Peaches and Cream For Every Skin Tone
Ready for a creamy complexion straight from the orchard? Keep reading to see which peaches-and-cream color suits you best.
Tips & Tricks
- 810
Haircut Tips for Curly Locks
Prepping for a fresh summer crop? Before you take the plunge, check out our tips for the best ways to cut curly hair at home or the salon.
outFit with Kit
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How 2 Paper Plates Can Replace Your Gym Membership
Bored with your workout routine? Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich reinvents the fitness wheel with a pair of plates.