Gold B.'s Articles Liked | Page 3
- 1289
Dr. Bad Jen’s Atomic Cosmetics
A mad scientist with a love for glitter takes on the makeup industry with her own line of superpowered products.
- 403
Counter Confidential: Trend Revival
Undercover Beauty Agent has a blast from the past and gets inspired by hair and makeup trends from the '50s, '60s, and '70s. Keep reading to find out how to translate these retro looks into modern beauty ideas.
- 783
Going Grape: Nature’s Most Powerful Beauty Ingredient
Grapes are more than just a sweet snack, they contain some of the highest amount of antioxidants in the plant world! Click through to check our our favorite products and learn why this berry is worth more than its weight in gold.
outFit with Kit
- 471
Six Minutes, Three Exercises: Bosu Ball Routine Part 1
The Bosu is one of Kit's favorite workout tools because it offers endless ways to challenge your muscles. Try this quick routine to work your abs, arms, legs, and get some cardio, too!
Top 3
- 153
Top 3 Fast-Drying Topcoats
In a hurry? We all know it's hard to be patient when your're waiting for your manicure to dry. Keep reading for Beautylish's favorite formulas that trim your nail drying time with one swipe.
- 839
Cut Your Blow-Dry Time in Half With This Game-Changer
A look at Living Proof's revolutionary blow-out-extending hair primer.
Tips & Tricks
- 1572
Four Ways to Deal with Makeup Fallout
Learn these easy techniques, and you’ll have the tricks and tools you need to deal with unwanted streaks of shadow, flecks of pigment, and more!
outFit with Kit
- 2000
Bedtime Stretches To Help You Sleep
Try this easy four-move routine, including a one-minute gratitude practice, to help you unwind and ready your body for slumber.
- 6314
How to Contour: The Basics
On some level, all makeup applications involve contouring. And while the technique can seem intimidating, all it takes is a little practice and getting to know what works for you. With our guide, and you'll be ready to go forth and contour!
- 626
Ever Tried Crossfit? CrossFit Guru Gretchen Helt Gives Us Her Top Five Fitness Moves
Kit Rich introduces us to CrossFit trainer Gretchen Helt, and shows us Gretchen’s Five Favorite Exercise Moves.