Urban Decay

Anarchy Face Case


Kirsten C.
Impulse sale buy...LOVE!!!

I saw this on a sale shelf at Sephora and grabbed it, having never purchased Urban Decay. It is amazing. Bright, vibrant colors. Great texture and long lasting. The 24 hour eyeliner is mediocre, compared to the blush, eyeshadow, highlighter, and lip color but it is great for smudging or smoky eyes. The lip color is by far the best color, consistency, and wear I have EVER had. I will be a customer of Urban Decays now!! :)

Theresa G.
Photo of product included with review by Theresa G.

I love everything about this compact palette. The eyeshadows the blush and highlight. It also came with my FAVORITE 24/7 eyeliner pencil in perversion. And a super saturated lip pencil.