
Perfect 4 Platinum Miracle Filler Treatment

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Rita G.

This stuff is freakin amazing!!! I am a platinum blonde.... now after having my hair processed about 4 times ( not including touch ups). I am naturally a very dark brown almost black with subtle red tones. I have tried TONS of leave in, creams, glosses , masks EVERYTHING. This product works like no other. I wash and condition my hair , towel dry , spray some of this wonder product on my hair and immediatly I feel a difference. Ofcourse I then blow dry. My hair instead of looking dry and brittle is lush , soft shiny , and more managable then before. I tend to get a bit brassy pretty quickly and though I HAVE used leave in that do TONE my hair a toucb better than this NOTHING has made my hair look better and more shiny. I highly suggest this.

Madison M.
This is a Blonde's savior leave in!

This is a great everyday leave in. Since it was designed for blondes it is actually a lavender color to work as a 'purple' conditioner to offset and brassy tones. Interesting that it makes hair 78% stronger, I did not know that. I guess I can give credit to this product for not making my hair break off that is colored once a month! Yay Pureology!

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