
The Oxygen Peel


Davia G.
A must have addition for any beauty snob!

This Fantastic Foamy Blissful Kit is a must have addition to any well rounded beauty regime! I use twice a week and my friends very much look foward to it as well! (One capsule can be used for two peeps!) when using this it's important to use warm water and fill to the line,open the cap and shake throughly! Apply clear mix on face let sit then add the white foamy cream and allow yourself to kick back and enjoy the feeling of your skin opening up to really breathe! Use scraper to remove the foam (like old an school barber shave) and then rinse.. Take a deep beath in and Ta-Dah..Your now prepaired to admire and enjoy the fresh, renewed, glowing skin your closest friends will be jealous! Other brands claim to have a kit like this.. There is NO COMPAIRISON!!!

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