Starting Over
One of my favorite products from Origins
I have dry-to-normal skin. I used Starting Over for about half a year before switching to Plantscription (which works way better than this product for eliminating wrinkles). But, even without a great wrinkle-fighting formula, this moisturizer is the bomb-dot-com. The thick, smooth cream goes on so well on my skin (especially after using Origins' Checks and Balances frothy face wash) and it smells amazing! Not too sure about the validity of their claims of improving visible lines (aka wrinkles), but I would say it definitely helps with skin texture. If I didn't switch to their Plantscription line of skin care, I would go back to this product in a heartbeat. My biggest gripe with this product is that they put it in a jar! I'm not a huge fan of dunking/dipping/scooping with my fingers into a container to put product on my face.