Kevyn Aucoin

The Exotique Diamond Eye Gloss


Ana S.

All eye gloss will crease. This one is beautiful on bare lids. It is best applied with bare fingers. It stays put and is super hydrating. There is absolutely no glitter fallout.

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Yi Y.
Photo of product included with review by Yi Y.

首先金色的包装非常好看。 我尝试了叠加眼影和做高光。 手臂试色从上到下分别是viseart哑光色、colourpop的带闪的DGAF和哑光色Bill。上边的叠加了这个,下边没加。我觉得叠加后会让眼影看起来颜色饱和度变高一点点,其中DGAF本身自带的金色闪片几乎被完全遮住了,变成了带点蓝色闪片的水光感。 上眼效果是非常细腻低调的水光感,我觉得用在哑光眼影上看不到明显的闪片,双眼皮褶皱那里会轻微积线。没有黏腻感,但好像一直都不会干,我一个小时左右后摸还是会沾到手上,感觉大概不会很持久,用多了会有一点肿眼。 但是做高光的效果简直太赞了,水光感,不会凸显毛孔和细纹,有少量的蓝色亮片但我觉得不夸张,可以少量让高光弱一点也可以非常非常亮。太喜欢这个效果了。 综合给4分,高光效果拯救了眼影不足的部分。个人感受,仅供参考。

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Catherine B.
Lasts all day

I did not really know what to expect with this product. And pleasantly surprised was I to find product applies gives a healthy, bright, and wet glimmer. I have worn it in corner of eye where the product stayed without traveling on my mature eye lids. And when applied to my mobile lid, the wet look gives a glow without looking like overdone in-your-face glitter. and stays put all day and feels hydrating. I will be back for more colors. Another Kevin winner.

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Melissa C.

Not all noticeable on the lids. After a short time I noticed lots of glitter fall out all over my face

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