Muffinhead D.'s (muffinhead) Articles Liked
Fairytale Come True: Lanvin Chooses “Real” People for Fall Campaign
Discovered unexpectedly in a New York cafe, Beautylish contributor Stella Rose Saint Clair was chosen to model in Lanvin’s newest campaign. Here, Stella shares her dreamlike experience with us.
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Wonderland: The Story Behind Beauty’s Fairy Tale Portraits
After three years of shooting, Kirsty Mitchell’s “Wonderland” photo series is one of the most stunning beauty stories we’ve ever come across. Keep reading to hear about the makeup inspiration from hair and makeup artist on set, Elbie van Eeden.
Makeup Art
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Beautiful Illusion: An Interview With Underground Icon Muffinhead
New York nightlife personality Muffinhead is a living, breathing piece of art. Beautylish contributing writer Stella Rose Saint Clair dives into the artist’s world of beauty.
Street Seen
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Rainbow Inspiration: On The Streets With The Biggest Hair Trend Of The Season
From rainbow streaks to pastels, dip dyes to full on neon, it seems the ladies of NYC are not afraid of a little hair experimentation, and we're loving every look! Click through for a gallery of our favorite New York technicolor hair inspiration.
Social Experiment: Street Makeup Mistakes
Ever looked in the mirror and realized you’ve spent all day with lipstick on your teeth—and nobody bothered to tell you? Beautylish Community Manager Jasmine hits the street with the embarrassing makeup mishap and discovers how strangers really react.