Toni B.

Location: San Francisco

Welcome to the University of Tonay where the individual learns the basic beauty

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About Me

Well, where to begin....I'm 18 years young and I attend college. Going to school for nursing. I believe makeup is an art but my parents believe otherwise but then again idgaf :) If you have any questions feel free to ask because I currently have a brain fart.

also I CANNOT stand STUPID IDIOTS leaving me DUMB comments on my page...examples:

"Thanks so much for being a follower!:)"

"Be sure to visit and 'LIKE' my FB page"

(ummm that first comment is not cute and wtf BE SURE to....i don't think so, you can leave your link on my page but don't tell me what to do. There needs to be internet etiquette if you want me to look at your page or follow you back then a relationship needs to be build such as commenting or liking my photos, leaving useful comments on my page.) anyways that was my rant and I like beauty :)

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Dark
Skin Type: Oily
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: Dry, Coarse