Beauty Product Reviews

Its Okay

I have a lot of these lip sticks because they are cheap and easy to get. I love that they are so cheap but i guess like everything the less it is the worse it is. I find that these are very drying to my lips and dont stay on very long. I dont recommend that any one get these if you are looking for something that will last for a while.


This mascara never clumps, I dont care how much i put on my lashes look nice and separated. It is one of the best mascaras I have tried. It lengthens my lashes and I think it also ads a good amount of volume to them as well. The only things i dont like are that the wand is very soft and that means mistakes happen and you can get mascara where you dont want it. It also has a very strong floral scent to it that I am not very fond of.


I was really hoping to be a fan of this product. Turns out im really not. I rally cant stand the brighter colors. Anything frosty doesnt go on the color you think it will, tastes bad, and smells like hair spray. I havent tried any of the nude colors but after my experience i would rather just go buy a revlon lipstick.


this product is amazing. I would never spend my money on any other heat spray because this one works so well. It smells good and it is one thing that every girl needs to have, even if you have chi go get this. it is like 1000x better in my opinion


I find this product to be just like any other lip balm. I also think that paying 3 dollars for a lip balm is a little excessive. I personally think that I can get the same thing out of other lip balms that don't cost as much. I think the only unique thing about it is that they smell and taste good. I own two of these and i will continue to buy them if only for the flavor of it. Minus the few things i don't like about this product it is something that i would totally recommend for anyone.