Natalia N.'s (luxurymakeupart) Articles Liked
- 3287
Drag Queen Tips: Cook Your Face!
Take a tip from the world’s most famous drag queens and “cook” your concealer for a long-lasting, flawless finish.
Tips & Tricks
- 1965
Hygiene tips for artists and their makeup kits
Whether you are a professional working makeup artist or a major makeup lover, keeping your product sanitary and yourself hygienic is essential to protecting you and your client from possible infections.
- 1883
How to Get What You Want at the Makeup Counter
Don't get into that chair without knowing these simple things.
What it Takes to be a Fashion Week Makeup Artist
The real reason makeup pro James Vincent is Fashion Week's most sought after artist.
Special Effects
- 454
Halloween Makeup Wouldn’t Be The Same Without This Special FX Checklist
From liquid latex to the right color of blood, these are the special effects basics you need to have in your kit.
Beauty Library
- 328
Bobbi Brown Gets Pretty Real on Confidence
The scoop on Bobbi Brown's seventh book and which makeup item makes her feel Pretty Powerful.