Beauty Product Reviews

Good prize... not very long lasting

At first I really loved this set, but now i've had the set for a year... And some of them have gotten scratchy (E40, F40) .. I take good care of my brushes, but suddenly they started to get scratchy. I don't like that. I don't know wether or not I should buy the bigger kit or not :( .. I'm happy with them, not overly impressed.

Perfect glow!

I love this product, it sits perfect on my skin and gives that dewy glow ^^! I only have a sample of it, but I really want to buy the big size. I live in denmark, so it might be a while before I can go to the US and buy it :(

I really want it! Just in case someone sees this and have the train case, I really want to see a picture of someone carrying it to see how big it actually is :)! - Thanks ^^!

I don't like it as much ..

.. as I like the Too Faced one, cause for me I really don't like that greasy feeling it has, some people would describe it as smooth, but I really prefer the Too faced ^^ It does is job wonderfully just as Too Faced, and I get no creasing through out the day :) I like it a lot ^^!

Be careful! ^_^

I really like this palette all the colors and all that.. I agree with everyone else when they say it's an amazing palette! But there is one thing you have to be careful with:

The lightest color "virgin" is (for me) really hard to work with. Every time I get the shadow on my brush there's powder everywhere, and I can't use the extra powder there is on the shadow. It's like the Bobbi Brown matte eyeshadows, it does it too. :/

But overall it's a great palette, I love it ^^!

It will change!

Okay, I ordered 3 of these, and the first time I used them they were AWESOME! But then.. the next day they were all dried up, and I tried storing them upside down,But nothing worked! ;/.... So I stopped using them, because I thought it was crap.. then.... One day I wanted to try one of them again, and I worked! The actual product came out! And they have worked just fine ever since. I don't know how I got them to work, but suddenly they just did, and they are awesome again ^^! I think it's a hit or miss! .. ^^


It's really good for a quick spot cleaning, but if you're taking your brushes to the sink I think you'll be better of with a baby shampoo ^^! The only thing that would be a problem is the way you get the cleanser on to a tissue, it's wasting a lot. I really need to get a spray thing for it. ^^


I have two of the blushes, and for some reason I can't make them show up on my skin. :/ .. I think I need to go for a bit darker color next time, cause I will be buy another one, the light colors just don't work for me.. p.s. I love the look of them^^

I don't really get it?

Everyone is hyping about the OPI nail polishes, and when OPI came to Denmark, of course I wanted to try them. I bought 3, I don't know if it's just me that's bad at applying nail polish, they just wouldn't apply evenly. But after 2 coats it looks great! ^^ .. so weird xD.. I think I'm more of a Essie type of girl ;)!


It's really soft, and applies foundation like no other.. If you can't afford the sigma F80 this would be a great alternative! The handle on the studio brushes feel really good, not too heavy not too light. ^^

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