Jill K.'s (jillkinzmakeup) Articles Liked
Bridal Looks
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Bridal Beauty Tips: Olive Undertone
While guests at your wedding will admire your gown, hair and jewelry, you will always be the main focus of attention—and by you, we mean your face! Bridal makeup artist Jane Kim lends her expertise on tips for olive undertone Beauties and transforms Pilar G. into a smoky-gray bride.
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Body By Kit: Men and Cellulite
No one cares as much about your cellulite as you do, especially your significant other. So don't make the same mistake as Kit Rich and point it out. Keep reading for Kit's regrets and advice on how to combat cellulite without miracle creams.
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Body By Kit: Gym Conscious
Do you dread going to the gym? Is a fear of getting seen in spandex standing between you and your workout routine? In this week's Body by Kit column, fitness expert Kit Rich addresses these common phobias and helps you get over your excuse not to exercise.
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Eat Your Way to a Better Complexion
It's true, you are what you eat! Did you know that what you digest can solve problems such as acne, dry skin, rosacea, and wrinkles? We spoke with an expert to find out exactly which foods can fix these pesky skin issues.