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Sorry at Jae J. Again, I haven't really checked it. And I take pride in organization :)

Sorry Cody F I did t see the comment. I learned it all, but I also did go to an amazing school. You could have a different experience depending on where you go. I went for my masters license which takes longer. And the beauty world is my life! :)

Jan 9, 2013

Cody F.

Hey, I'm Cody, this is so random but I just have some questions for you. I just read a comment you had posted on a topic board about how you just finished going to school for esthetics and I was wondering what did you really learn?? I was going to school for cosmetology but had to drop out because I had my son, and now I'm debating if I should go back to get my estheticians license or not.

Nov 1, 2012

Jae J.

Your makeup desk is so beautiful and neat. I cried a little. lol.

Thank you so much for liking my Minnie Mouse Nail Art. Have you had a chance to watch the tutorial for it on our website?

~Jocelyn (Nail Artists @ Polishpedia)

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Hannah A.

Location: Sandy, Utah

Makeup is my way to escape.

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About Me

18 years old and just moved to northern Utah, to go to school to be an aesthetician. Doing makeup on the side.

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Light
Skin Type: Normal
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Fine
Birthday: December 02
Age: 31