Your very gorgeous :D wow love your style and I hope your holding good your gorgeous and young any man would desire to have you don't let one man ruin it I no its hard but not to sound mean god did this for a reason your man is still out there don't loose hope and you have no babies with him it's a little easier for you to find someone :) your exoticlly gorgeous I would really want to no what happened to maybe give you some advice but I feel um pushing it to, but I no you desire your hubby and want no one win him back do the opposite sexy exotic things to yourself and win him back show him your still interested make him feel guilty what he's doing is wrong make him desire you :) back feel confident about it.
Sorry for the late reply but thanks elsa, since then I have been doing really great I go home in one week now and I've changed myself a lot already got my hair did nails done did some shopping he knows what he is missing, and when I'm gone he's not going to hear from me till I want to talk to him I'm going to make him realize I'm not always going to be there if he doesn't put in effort. but its time for me to work on me and I'm really excited about it and to get back out and socialize.
Aug 10, 2013
Elsa L.
Your very gorgeous :D wow love your style and I hope your holding good your gorgeous and young any man would desire to have you don't let one man ruin it I no its hard but not to sound mean god did this for a reason your man is still out there don't loose hope and you have no babies with him it's a little easier for you to find someone :) your exoticlly gorgeous I would really want to no what happened to maybe give you some advice but I feel um pushing it to, but I no you desire your hubby and want no one win him back do the opposite sexy exotic things to yourself and win him back show him your still interested make him feel guilty what he's doing is wrong make him desire you :) back feel confident about it.
Aug 31, 2013
Althea B.