
  • Added Jun 29, 2011

New Arrivals


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Dec 1, 2011

Jamie W.

OH Cool! That's unique! Never seen anything like it! Are you in the business cause if not you need to get into it cause you would make a lot of money and make people like me (PICKY PERFECTIONISTS! lol) very pleased!!!! Wish I lived in your town!

Dec 2, 2011

Monia B.

actually I'm not! I'm not a professionist and without a degree I can't make it my job. i really appreciate your compliment ! thank you!

Jun 29, 2011

Rachel S.

how did you do that???? How did you blend the polishes? 

Jun 29, 2011

Monia B.

hehe :) thanks! i used acrylic paints! so much easier to blend!