face and eye shapes?
okay so i have two questions for you..
1. what is my face shape?
2. what is the shape of my eyes/what kind of eyes do i have?
i just get so confused when i try to figure them out..and i cant choose between oval or round or whatever...
thanks x
- Added Jan 7, 2015
Jan 15, 2015
Cartiya M.
Thanks :) that did help. aww thank you x
Jan 8, 2015
Anna T.
Almond shape, I think I agree (about your superbeaty also ;)). It will be easier to say about the face form if you make a photo with your face up and looking straight (I hope the thing I have written can be understood). Or you can just look at the mirror and draw a shape of you face on the mirror, it somehow helps to understand.
Jan 8, 2015
Erin R.
Almond shaped eyes... (And btw you're super beautful)