I'm trying to go Like how you said only shows in the sun. Idk if you know how ill be able to do that. But my hair is black and half of it is blond and I dyed it like couple months ago.
Hey doll, so as far as the pastel lilac color you wouldn't be able to do that with out damaging your hair, your hair would have to be almost white or at least platinum to get that color. It is hard to keep up because it fades out very fast the up keep would have to be a touch up every week.
Now the other image, all the images you have shown me are not actually Purple Hair, so you wouldn't buy hair dye like Manic Panic, or Pravana all those dyes are either to neon, or to vivid. What you want is more like a natural color but has a Purple Tint that you can see in any light source.
If you go to beauty shops, where they sale hair dye you may be able to find a color that has a purple tint. Usually it's a brown or black but it has to say it has purple highlights.
You can check Target, I bought a Black with Blue Highlights from The Fieria Line & my hair turned a dark blue. :)
As for your color you have now. My concern is you have two tone hair one side blonde & one side black. You would have to dye your hair to a medium brown, other wise it'll be super light on one side & dark on other if you get what I am saying?
I would let my black fade out a bit to a nice medium brown & try to match your color, before buying the purple highlighted dye.
I know it sounds like a process but, you don't want to risk damaging your hair & having the cut it :/
So first work on fading the black to get at least a medium or dark brown. & then take the blonde out so it can match purrfectly to the other side, & then go about dying the color.
I really hope this helps, & again I'm sorry I can't guarantee anything because I don't know how it'll take everyone hair is different.
Oh one last tip, it's good to know especially with dying hai black; when you dye your hair black that color doesn't literally escape the hair for about 6 months to 1 year. Even when you can't see any black it's still there. Just a tip :)
Hello miss! Now the image you presented to me, is a bit difficult to see wether or not her shade is a purple. It's very possible that she got a box dye, that has a Purple Tint to it, meaning that it only shows in the sun. Or it could be a very dark purple that is washed out to achieve that look.
I can make some suggestions but I can not be 100% correct because I don't know what color your hair is, if you have ever processed it, or if you have dyed it within a couple months or year.
If you'd like you can explain your hair type, color & etc. so I can give you some tips to achieve the color you desire. :)
Apr 24, 2013
Felicitas M.
Apr 24, 2013
Felicitas M.
Apr 24, 2013
Felicitas M.
Apr 24, 2013
Misscurstiemarie H.
Apr 24, 2013
Felicitas M.
If there is any way you can help me out? or give me any suggestions?
Apr 24, 2013
Misscurstiemarie H.
Apr 24, 2013
Felicitas M.
Apr 24, 2013
Misscurstiemarie H.