Face Masks

I love face masks I try to put one at least twice a week. Yes, that much.

I mostly prefer home made AHA masks. Can I just say that of all the masks I’ve tried, homemade/ commercial or professional spa treatments, AHA based masks have the best results. Just google AHA face masks and you’ll see…its just some light skin-friendly natural acid (Alpha Hydrochloric Acid) that can be found in fruits and common kitchen ingredients which can dissolve the glue that hold our outmost skin layer thus cleans and exfoliates. In long run, it does wonders with pores, marks, moisturizing and skin lightening aspects. I mostly use some combinations of AHA sources (you can go to this link : http://voices.yahoo.com/homemade-al... to know more) for example, lemon +honey + sugar or papaya+ evaporated milk+ sugar or curd+ cocoa if I’m feeling really indulgent…you get the idea. It’s really easy, cheap, always available, all natural and safest of all with no chemicals or preservatives. And it works best with oily skin (no danger of skin drying out because of the acids) which I have so it’s always a plus. I also believe regular applications of AHA masks helped to control my oil to a great extent. Also being all natural food sources, they contain some sort of vitamins, enzymes and anti-oxidants which is really great for your skin.

That being said, I do keep some commercially produced face masks when I’m feeling lazy to throw in some AHA ingredients together. Sometimes, I need a peel-off masks (which you can also make in home by the way, just with some fruit juice and gelatin, being a jello-junkie I always have them both and one of these days I’m going to try making it but like I said I’m just super lazy) . So here’s my Shills blue mask peel of mask. I used to use several Everyouth masks but this one is so much better. Not available locally though I need to order it from ebay so that’s a drag.

Then there are mud masks. Since I have really oily skin, this is always my best option. Again, shills whitening mud masks and brightening mud masks are my current favorites. The best thing about these masks is, they dry really fast, like 5 to 10 minutes tops. So whenever I don’t have about 1 hour to indulge myself, I go for them.

I also have a C&B Dead Sea mud mask. Honestly, I have heard so much about Dead Sea mud that I just had to try one, even though it meant I had to order one from Israel! So anyway, this mask is really rich and makes me look kind of shiny and oily all day. Therefore I can only use them during colder seasons.

For a special treat, I use skin79 sleeping mask. It has a gelly like consistency that never dries and you are supposed to sleep wearing it. Since I am a super restless sleeper (and I sleep face down lol) I can never really do that. But even so, my skin is super hydrated in the morning.

And I always keep some sheet-masks in my disposal for times when I’m feeling really lazy and cant bother to apply a “real” mask all over my face (you know with brush and stuff a lot of work and don’t even ask about dripping). So right now I have some Neutrogena and beauty friends ones. I need to get some more.

  • Added Oct 18, 2012

New Arrivals


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