Bronze purple eyes
Hello guys , its been awhile since I posted something -.-.. its just that I got a little discouraged because I don't have a camera yet in which I can film and take pictures, and i didn't want to have videos and pics with crappy quality ..:$ , but as you can see I can no longer wait till I get a camera so I decided to do a make up look and just take some pictures with my laptop.
So what I did was a kind of bronze purple look & winged my eyes halfway my lower water line & top line. This webcam kills quality trust it looks much better in real life xD....I would make a list of the products I used but you see its all make up I got from the 2012 A.B.A show and it has no name -.-(booo) , Anywayyzzz I hope you like it comment and tell me what ya think if you can see anything xD LMFAO , sorry & hopefully I can soon blog with better quality
- Added Jun 7, 2012