Beauty Product Reviews
eh... not that great
I don't like teenage dream or last friday night, especially last friday night. They make it look like it's going to be an awesome glittery blue, but you can hardly tell that it is supposed to be blue when you put it on! I like the black shatter, but it dries out, and gets these annoying little lumps in the bottle, none of which are a result of not shutting the bottle tightly. I love the duochrome on Not Like The Movies, and I also Like The One That Got Away
Great :D (for the most part)
I have like 25 of them, and most of them are awesome. The ones with a creme finish/ plain ones ex. White On have a slightly trickier formula and can get very thick and gloppy after a few uses. They can also get pretty streaky and stringy so you have to dip the brush into the bottle like 3-5 times just to paint one nail >.< They shiny ones ex. crushed, hot magenta, virtual violet normally require 3-4 coats (most of the others need 2) and can take longer to dry.