Kendra F.'s (dollface92) Articles Liked
- 383
Nail Art Superstar: Amy Wong
An accountant by day and a nail artist by night, Amy Wong proves that if you love something, dream big!
outFit with Kit
- 2726
Water Bottle Fitness Routine
If you don’t have two pound weights handy, no problem. Grab two water bottles and you are good to go! They are just enough resistance to get that heart pumping and arms working.
From the Archive
- 11501
Quick Routine to Tone and Tighten the Legs
Less than 10 minutes and your legs will feel this one for sure. Try this routine by fitness expert, Kit Rich.
outFit with Kit
- 3240
Text Book Fit
Grab your old books, stack them up high, and get ready for a cardio blasting whirlwind of a routine!!
DIY Skin Care
- 8945
A DIY Lip Balm Perfect for Winter
Winter chill got you chapped? Try this easy-to-make peppermint lip balm recipe.
- 169
Saudi Woman Defends Her Right to Wear Nail Polish
A Saudi woman filmed the religious police as they tried to force her to leave a mall for wearing nail polish. In just a few days, the video has gone viral and sparked an international dialogue.
Exploring The Wonders Of The Weave: Part 1
Brown girl beauty expert Dre Brown is back to discuss her latest obsession: her toasty new weave. Find out why this natural hair advocate has covered up her short curls with a weave this winter.
Nail Techniques
- 625
The Essential DIY Summer Spa Pedicure
How do you recreate the fancy baths and treatments so coveted at the nail salon? Read up on these DIY foot spa basics and learn how easy it is to recreate at home!
- 355
What to do With Those Pre-Packaged Makeup Sponges
Sick of collecting the bean pod-shaped sponges that come with most eye shadow palettes? Discover three resourceful ways to actually utilize the plastic applicators!
Product Trends
- 311
What's Your Lip Balm Personality?
Tinted, tasty, or enriched with TLC! Whether you're a glamour gal or a low-key lady, every Beauty swipes on lip balm. Keep reading as we breakdown our top picks for each type of pucker protector.