PaJai P.'s (aucourant) Articles Liked | Page 4
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A Primer in the Skin Care Basics
We talk serums, cleansers and oils like they’re our ABCs, but even beauty editors need to revert back to the basics. We break down the often convoluted world of skin care into seven easy steps.
- 1709
Teenage Skin Care Lifesavers
As beauty lovers, there’s nothing we believe more than how important it is to look after your skin—and that means starting early. Keep reading to discover three must-have products for teenage skin.
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Where do Your Dark Spots Come From?
Who likes dark spots? Definitely not us! We spoke with a derm to discover just how sunspots and those pesky dark patches from pimples actually occur, and how you can get rid of them.
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outFit With Kit: Avoiding the Freshman 15
Fearing the freshman 15? No worries! Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich has a few tips to keep you in tip top shape.
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Why Being Yourself Truly Matters—Even in the Fashion World
Is the world ready for someone disabled in the fashion industry? Fashion Blogger Jillian Mercado is turning that question into a reality.
Dental Care
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Keep Your Teeth White and Bright This Holiday
Combat tooth-staining holiday traditions.
How to Think Like a Dermatologist
Dr. Ava Shamban talks skin care from behind industry lines.
Face Primer
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Pro Picks: Color-Correction in a Tube
Makeup artist James Vincent talks skin color-correction and the one product that does the trick.
From the Archive
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Quick Routine to Tone and Tighten the Legs
Less than 10 minutes and your legs will feel this one for sure. Try this routine by fitness expert, Kit Rich.
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Meet Wayne Goss, Your New Favorite Beauty Vlogger
Goss has taken the vlog tutorial scene by storm. Beautylish finds out more about YouTube’s new favorite beauty expert.