7 Nose Shapes and How to Contour Them


If you’ve ever tried to contour your nose only to throw down your makeup brush in frustration, hear us out: Your nose shape may be what’s keeping you from sculpting the perfect schnoz. Much like how determining your face shape can help you choose a flattering hairstyle, knowing your nose shape is the key to figuring out the right way to contour it. In the video tutorial above, makeup artist Wayne Goss explains seven different nose shapes and the best contouring and highlighting techniques for each one.

We’ve included a few tips below from the video to get you started.

How to contour a flat nose

Flat: If you have a flat nose, the bridge of your nose appears flat or undefined. To add definition and create the illusion of more sculpted bone structure, contour in two straight lines on either side of the bridge.

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How to contour a triangular nose

Triangle: Triangle noses are much wider at the nostrils than at the top of nose. Create balance by contouring just the tip of the nose and applying highlighter under the inner corners of your eyebrows.

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How to contour a crooked nose

Crooked: Rather than following a straight line from eyebrows to lips, crooked noses appear uneven or slightly slanted. To correct the shape, contour a straight line on both sides of the bridge and apply highlighter in the middle.

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How to contour a bulbous nose

Bulbous: If your nose is bulbous (with a thin bridge and wide-set nostrils), Wayne recommends contouring the very top and bottom of your nose and applying highlighter to the center of the bridge.

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How to contour an irregular nose

Irregular: Irregular noses often have a small indentation on one side of the center of the bridge. To correct an area that is indented, apply highlighter to it to combat any tell-tale shadows.

How to contour a heavy-bridged nose

Heavy: This nose shape features a heavy, prominent brow that creates a shadow over the bridge of the nose. Wayne recommends applying highlighter in a triangle shape between your eyebrows to visually “lift” this area up.

How to contour a narrow nose

Narrow: Narrow noses have a very thin, narrow bridge. Add thickness to the bridge by highlighting in two straight lines on either side of the bridge of the nose.