What Exactly Do Adaptogens Do in Skincare?

Photo: Moon Juice Skincare

By now, you’ve probably heard that ‘shrooms have proven wellness benefits. You may have added reishi or ashwagandha to your smoothies to see what all the hype is about...or considered them at the very least. Don’t stop there, adaptogens—or healing herbs that help the body adapt to stress—have made their way into skincare. From wellness lattes and smoothies to serums and moisturizers, the fungi phenomenon is more than just a fad.

We live in a world where being stressed is the new normal, so the transition should come as no surprise. Adaptogens have been used in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic practices for centuries to ease stress and re-balance the body. Since stress often manifests itself in a physical form—think pesky pimples and inflammation or dullness and premature aging, for example. The mind-skin connection is real, so it’s a natural progression to incorporate adaptogens into your routine, especially for those with stress-prone or imbalanced skin. Just as adaptogens can dramatically ease your mental stress, they can work the same magic on your skin, too.

Adaptogenic skincare claims to help protect the skin against stressors to reduce signs of inflammation, support the skin’s resilience, and improve the barrier function to better defend and protect the skin. Essentially, they penetrate the epidermis to help regulate the skin, balance its chemistry, and bring it back to its baseline.

When Moon Juice—the brand behind my ingestible adaptogen obsession—launched their first-ever skincare line, I had to put it to the test. I’ve been using Moon Juice’s new adaptogen-infused skincare line for over a month now, and I can honestly say that my skin feels more balanced. After struggling with hormonal acne and stressed-out, irritated skin for the past few months, my complexion finally feels calm and looks plumper than ever. As the adaptogens helped prevent my body from reacting to stressors, I’ve seen fewer breakouts, less inflammation, and reduced redness—all without having to use any harsh chemicals.

In my opinion, the biggest pro to clean adaptogenic skincare is getting lasting results from natural ingredients. You don’t have to go down a rabbit hole learning about harsh chemicals and whether they’re worth it. Adaptogenic skincare is effective while being gentle and nourishing. If you have sensitive skin, this is a no-brainer.

Of course, each product is unique, and it’s important to see what else is in the formula—I can’t speak for all adaptogenic skincare.

It’s also important to note that you don’t have to add an extra step to your skincare routine to reap the benefits of adaptogens. With adaptogen-infused cleansers, toners, serums, and moisturizers on the market, you can enhance your current routine without any added time or effort.

The only downfall in some cases is the smell—if the product is clean without any added fragrances, you may be able to smell the strong earthy scent of adaptogens. If you’ve ingested adaptogens, you know what I’m talking about (let’s not even talk about the bitter taste, am I right?) Personally, I don’t mind it and if anything, I take it as reassurance that the product is in fact potent and doesn’t feature any artificial fragrances.

I’m a big believer in ancient Eastern medicine, and adaptogens don’t disappoint.

If you’re feeling stressed and your skin is showing it, Beautylish recommends: