This Lip Trend Is About to Break the Internet


The reign of plumped lips might be over. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there’s a new lip trend in town that’s about to blow up.

Throughout the past five months, Beautylish editors have traveled to Paris, Milan, New York and Los Angeles, meeting with beauty industry experts to discuss confidential designs, trends and products slated to break the Internet in 2020.

Although we signed nondisclosure agreements with several brands, we have received permission to share what mega million-dollar beauty ventures are deeming the most viral-worthy trend of 2020.

It’s called “Moustache au Lait,” which is French for Milk Mustache. Designers, gurus and celebs all agree that it’s the next big thing—plus it’s super easy to create. All you need is powder highlighter and high-shine gloss to achieve this milk-inspired look.

After applying foundation, grab a flat brush, wet it, dip it into your highlighter and apply the shade to the space between your nose and upper lip. Don’t skimp on the amount applied, and be sure to drag the shade out past the outer corners of your mouth. You’re basically drawing a thick, rectangular mustache with highlighter.

Shade in your lips with your favorite lipstick, then create a glossy mustache effect using an iridescent gloss. Pass the doe foot applicator over the area right above your upper lip line and you’re good to go!

Moustache au Lait calls attention to the vertical groove that falls between the base of your nose and upper lip (the philtrum) and makes it look 2X larger. According to beauty experts, the philtrum is a facial area that has previously gone underappreciated, until a recent study by the American Board of Lip Reconstruction.

The California study asked men and women to choose the more attractive of two photos: one featuring a person with a normal philtrum, and the other featuring a person with a Photoshopped philtrum enlargement.

The result? 99.99% of the 1.5 million men and women surveyed selected the enlarged philtrum photo as being more visually appealing—a finding that plastic surgeons across the U.S. believe will change the course of cosmetic procedures in 2020.

In our recent interview with double board-certified, celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Constantine Trubadakos (a.k.a. Dr. Incredible), we learned that 2020 will be the year of philtrum enlargements. “So far I’ve conducted 50 philitrectomies, but I’m forecasting that number will jump to over 30,000 this year. I have no doubt that philitrectomies will displace lip filler as the most popular procedure amongst young adults,” says Dr. Incredible.

In light of these recent findings, Beautylish has just launched a brand new line of milk mustache kits to help your philtrum look as large as possible without having to go under the knife. The milkKIT comes complete with iridescent highlighter, duochrome lip gloss, and a small applicator within a milk carton-shaped traveling case.

Share your looks with us on Instagram and be sure to tag our sister account, @milkkitsarefake, as well as use our dedicated hashtags: #HappyAprilFoolsDay #noneofthisisreal #drincredibleismadeup #yourphiltrumisfineasis #milkmustachesdontexistunlessyoudrinkactualmilk

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