Scary Halloween Makeup


Courtesy of magicinfoto / Shutterstock

Scary Halloween makeup is a great way to win the prize for best costume? Whether you want to dress up as a spooky skeleton, creepy Cheshire cat, or undead zombie, these Beauties have it covered with spectacular makeup inspiration.

Evil inspiration from Alice in Wonderland

Ashley G.

Ashley creates an evil version of Alice in Wonderland's Cheshire cat (his teeth weren’t that pointy, were they?!). Cat-eye contacts complete the look.

Halloween skull

Ana A.

Intricate shading is used to create a skull complete with teeth. We wouldn't want to run into Ana in a dark alley!

Zombie makeup

Evano E.

Back from the dead? Evano creates a decaying zombie look that is easy to enhance with a torn, dirt-covered costume. Add some black teeth to top off this graveyard look.

What's the scariest Halloween makeup you've seen? Let us know or share your look in the comments below.