5 Video-Promoting Ideas To Boost Your Viewership


If you write a book and don’t promote it, no one will be able to read it. The same goes for posting video tutorials. If no one is finding them, how are your fellow Beauties going to learn from your amazing tricks? To avoid having your hard work going unnoticed we created a list of simple tips to help your content be seen!

Be a part of the community.

Interact with your peers and get to know other content creators so that you can network, share and get the word out on your work much easier.

Stay active online.

In this day and age, in order for your name to be widely circulated, others need to find you on all social networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and blogs or Tumblr. You are more easy to find the more active you are on these sites.

Collaborate with other Beauties.

By working with other video creators–especially ones who are more seasoned–you will gain knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. It is also likely that you will expand your following and vice versa.

Stay up to date on current events.

Everyone is looking for the latest, breaking beauty news. Create current content, such as celebrity looks from recent red carpet events or movie inspired looks. By doing so, your videos will be on the cutting edge of what other Beauties are buzzing about.

Learn the most recent technology.

By using new programs and techniques, you can stylistically edit your work with a fresh approach. This will also make your videos more polished and professional. Plus, you'll seem more authoritative on all things beauty with your content.