Bobbi Brown is one
of the most authentic
voices in the industry.
She's got a dream career and an amazing family, but the yoga-loving mom is actually one of the most down to earth doyennes in the industry—we’d say she’s the embodiment of a beauty role model. Pretty fitting then, that her newest book not only covers the best makeup tricks and techniques, it's about feeling good in your skin and sharing that energy with the world.
Leaf through the pages of Pretty Powerful: Beauty Stories to Inspire Confidence and you’ll see over 70 transformations from real women and celebrities alike, but you also get the story behind the look—tales of confidence and cosmetics powdered in with the classic makeup tips you know and love. We decided to dive deeper into Bobbi's own world and learn how makeup plays a powerful role in her spirit.
B: Bobbi, why do you think so many women (and men!) feel they lack confidence?
Bobbi: It’s important to remember that between long hours at the office, family responsibilities, and endless to-do lists, it’s not feasible for women to spend hours in front of the mirror trying to emulate an airbrushed photo. But it’s very real to feel this kind of pressure.
B: Is there a connection between makeup and confidence?
Bobbi: I believe that makeup is a way to help women look and feel like themselves, only prettier and more confident. Rather than trying to change or distort a woman’s features, I use makeup to enhance the features that make her unique. It’s about options.
Beauty comes in all ages, colors, shapes and sizes. It’s not about looking like someone else, or trying to be someone you’re not. It’s about figuring out what works for you, and making the best of what you’ve got. Loving yourself is key, and the right makeup can help you get there.
B: We’re always hardest on ourselves...
Bobbi: After so many years of aspiring to unattainable ideals, I have finally learned to let go and relax. Letting go doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped caring about my face, my hair, or my body. I still care, but I am more realistic about my expectations of myself and I try to lead a healthy lifestyle by exercising daily and eating healthy.
B: What’s your Pretty Powerful story?
My Pretty Powerful story is learning how to balance work life with family. At the beginning it was challenging to build a company while raising three young children. But at the end of the day, my family will always be my top priority. To me, spending time with my family makes me feel good, happy, and confident. It’s my family that has made the biggest difference in my life—they make me feel Pretty Powerful every day.
B: How did you select the featured stories in the book?
Bobbi: All of the women in the book have inspired me in their own special way. They come from all different backgrounds, are uniquely beautiful and have motivating life stories that are truly empowering.
Actress Gabourey Sidibe is a shining example of a confident woman. What I love most about her is that she is comfortable in her own skin. Being an actor in Hollywood isn’t easy and you’re subjected to all types of criticisms and pressures. But Gabourey overcame industry misconceptions because she knows who she is and is happy to be herself.
B: What advice do you have to artists emerging in their craft?
Bobbi: I believe that you should always be yourself and always pursue what you believe in. You’ll never regret following your heart.
B: And when in doubt, which makeup item is your go-to confidence booster?
Bobbi: Concealer and Corrector. It is the secret of the universe. It makes you look like you’ve had eight hours of sleep when you’ve only have four. No matter how I’m feeling, concealer instantly makes me look refreshed and well rested. I don’t leave home without it.
Pretty Powerful: Beauty Stories to Inspire Confidence, $29.95, now available on bobbibrown.com and at all Bobbi Brown counters.