Color Me Contrast


Sometimes it’s the unlikeliest color combinations that catch our eye—blue and yellow, pink and orange, purple and green. You may never wear them in an outift, but would you paint them on your lids? We love discordant eye shadow shades—the more outlandish, the better! Here are three looks from the Beautylish community to get you started.


Feeling tropical? Recreate an island paradise with Buttafly M.'s incredible colorings, which look even better extended onto her lower lash line.


Although they’re muted, bright mint and sparkling copper work beautifully together in unexpected harmony. Keep the tones soft and shimmering, rather than stark—like Catherine G.


Rather than contrasting just two hues, why not go crazy and use the whole color wheel! Marta G.’s intense representation of a tropical island conjures up visions of birds of paradise and delicious summer drinks.