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May 3, 2013

Pie P.

Oh. And pps: you are gorgeous!

May 3, 2013

Pie P.

I love your blog!! I'm a professional hoarder of make up as well...not a mua...
I know soooo many awesome brands, so if you need any more ways to spend your hard earned cash, Let me know...
Also, if you could send me some recs. of brands you love and think I can't live without, let me know!! Ps: I am a lipstick swatcher with no self control!!

Apr 29, 2013

F F.

Your so pretty and I LOVE your make-up!!

Jan 23, 2013

Tyler B.

Thanks for following, your gorgeous!

Jan 24, 2013

Raisa J.

Thank you so much! Thanks for following back!!! :)

Dec 18, 2012

Kathryn B.

Thank you for the photo like! <3 Xoxx

Dec 19, 2012

Raisa J.

no prob! ur stuff is amazing!

Dec 19, 2012

Kathryn B.

As are yours! *

Load more

Raisa J.

Location: Miami and NYC

  • 91  Products Tagged

About Me

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Medium
Undertone: Neutral
Skin Type: Combination
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Normal
Birthday: June 16
Age: 37


Instagram: themakeupwhoreder