Olivia G.'s (OliviaG) Articles Liked
- 5700
Attack of the Love Handles
This is a great routine to attack those pesky love handles!!
outFit with Kit
- 3240
Text Book Fit
Grab your old books, stack them up high, and get ready for a cardio blasting whirlwind of a routine!!
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3 Moves To Tame Those Outer Thighs
Give your thighs some lovin' attention to prep for summer short shorts! Grab a band, take a few minutes out of your day, and work it!
outFit with Kit
- 7515
In just three minutes, your abs, arms, and heart rate will feel this one.
From the Archive
- 11501
Quick Routine to Tone and Tighten the Legs
Less than 10 minutes and your legs will feel this one for sure. Try this routine by fitness expert, Kit Rich.
outFit with Kit
- 1064
Body By Kit: How To Whip That Core Into Shape
Has your muffin top gone from cute to out-of-control? Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich shares her tips for trimming your waistline. Even the most stubborn stomach fat is no match for Kit's eating and exercise advice!
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Body by Kit: The Ugly Duckling Syndrome
This week, health and fitness expert Kit Rich tackles the issues that come with late beauty bloomers and explains why women who had awkward, unattractive phases in their adolescence may be better off in the long run.
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outFit with Kit: Strong Arms
“Strong was my skinny. Strong was my feminine. Strong was my new sexy, and tight arms were just icing on the cake.” Kit Rich discovered toned arms by accident, but her exercises will leave your arms defined, sculpted, and strong.
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outFit With Kit: Ease the Bloat for a Flatter Tummy
Are you feeling bloated all the time? Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich has seven tips to help you tame your troubled tummy.
outFit with Kit
- 1446
Fact or Fiction? 5 Fitness Myths Unmasked
Fact or fiction? Fitness expert Kit Rich reveals the truth behind 5 exercise myths.