Margaret H.'s (Mazzymaee) Articles Liked
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 4: Brush Up!
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. Get your brush breakdown in part four of our series.
Counter Confidential
- 2218
Counter Confidential: Beauty School Dropout
Still deciding if makeup school is the right path for you? We’ll help you think it over.
Building Your Kit
- 3827
Building Your Kit Part 3: Storage Secrets
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. Part 3 is all about systems and storage—the tools and techniques you should use to keep your kit as organized as possible.
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 2: It's in the Bag!
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. In part two, James shares his two cents on the best way to organize.
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 1: Getting Started
In the beginning of an exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles a makeup artist's biggest endeavor: building the perfect kit.
Beauty Library
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Beauty Library: 3 Makeup Books We Can’t Put Down!
We’ve combed the library racks for the freshest, coolest, most interesting literary superstars! Behold, Beauties: our top beauty books of the moment.
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Cosmetic Collectibles: Jason Wu's Fashion Royalty Dolls
Find out why Jason Wu’s Fashion Royalty dolls up the ante on beauty collectibles.
How to Ask for the Perfect Haircut
Does the thought of heading to the hairdresser send chills down your spine? Or do you always end up with a cut that doesn’t look quite right? Knowing what to ask for and how to speak with your hairdresser isn’t instinctive, you can learn the guidelines here!
Beauty Careers
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A Beginner's Guide to Beauty Networking
The industry is filled with amazing opportunities, but it’s also up to you to get proactive about your career. Here are a few tips to ensure you get your foot in the door—your portfolio should do the rest!