Lindsey K.

Location: Midwest USA

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About Me

Eye Color: Green
Complexion: Fair
Undertone: Cool
Skin Type: Dry, Sensitive
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: Fine
Birthday: August 17
Age: 34


Skin type: Sahara dry and Kristen Bell sensitive

Favorite brands: MUFE, INGLOT, Burberry, ByTerry, Hakuhodo

Collection superstars: MUFE Artist Shadows, LORAC eye primer, ByTerry HydraPowder, Dior Overcurl mascara, ByTerry Densiliss blush , INGLOT sculpting powder in 504, Hakuhodo 5523 blending brush, Burberry lip velvets

Favorite category of makeup: Eyeshadow for sure

Least favorite category of makeup: Between my cool, super fair skin and my super dry lips, it's got to be a tie between bronzer and lipstick

My secret weapon: Avocado oil as a moisturizer- yes the kind you cook with!

On my wishlist: Too Faced Candlelight duo highlighter, allll the Japanese brushes