Lindsey E.'s (LindseyEnglish) Articles Liked | Page 13
Product Trends
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Borrow From the Boys: Products to Steal From Your Guy
Forget your razor? Don’t worry—just borrow from your guy! We may laugh at their two-in-one shampoo and conditioner, but your man has a bundle of awesome beauty products when you’re in a pinch.
- 780
The Primer You Never Thought Of
If primers just aren’t your thing, try a hydrating moisturizer specially designed to work under your makeup. We list our favorites.
Get it Off! All You Need to Know About Makeup Removers
Let’s face it, who likes makeup removal? But did you know that this one simple step could be the difference between good and bad skin? Keep reading for some removal advice and our favorite products.
Product Trends
- 294
Five Products That Will Save You Time, Space, and Energy
Save space in your handbag—and time in your day—with easy-to-use products that solve all your makeup mishaps.
Makeup Tools
- 748
The 5 Most Useful Makeup Brushes in Your Kit
Ever walk up to the makeup counter and find yourself puzzled by the wide array of tool options? We break down which five makeup brushes you need to own at any level.
Tips & Tricks
- 2945
DIY Beauty: Make Your Own Lip Balm
Got a bunch of near-empty lipsticks that you don’t know what to do with? Try making your own lip balm! Keep reading to find out how to do it.
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Time to Learn Your ABCs
Your beauty products and foods are filled with vitamins that are beneficial for your body inside and out. But do you really know what each vitamin does for your health, and the best way to absorb it? Here’s a simple guide that breaks down all the important ABCs.
- 553
outFit With Kit: "A-Wall" Exercises
Forget June gloom! The warm weather is blazing, and it’s time to go outside for your workout routine. Kit Rich has the perfect outdoor wall exercise ideas to kick up your summer sweat session.
Beauty Detox
- 391
Beauty Detox: Bikini-Friendly Breakfast
Is your body bikini-ready? Summer is fast approaching, and dropping those last few pounds can be tough! Start your day right (and lose weight!) with a yummy, healthy breakfast.
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Beauty Detox: Heart-Healthy Sandwich
Looking for a lunch that will help to prevent cancer, improve your eyesight and give you better skin? Kimberly Snyder's easy sandwich recipe is simple, and your body will thank you for it later!