Leslyn W.'s (GrannyMac) Articles Liked | Page 2
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 4: Brush Up!
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. Get your brush breakdown in part four of our series.
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 3: Storage Secrets
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. Part 3 is all about systems and storage—the tools and techniques you should use to keep your kit as organized as possible.
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 2: It's in the Bag!
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. In part two, James shares his two cents on the best way to organize.
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 1: Getting Started
In the beginning of an exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles a makeup artist's biggest endeavor: building the perfect kit.
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Loathe or Love: Granny Hair
From gray to lilac, sporting hair like your grandma has never been quite so chic. But would you take the plunge and dye your locks to look like your granny?