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Feb 28, 2012

Niamh M.

Hey Doll! Followed you and subscribed on youtube :) xo

Feb 3, 2012

Shelley W.

Another BB addict. :) Love your videos featuring my fave line. Have you seen the Rose Collection yet??? 

Hi Jessica! I want to introduce myself as community manager and wish you a very happy birthday! We're so glad to have you here. For others to get to know you there are a couple of things that you can do like add more photos and write some reviews to tell us about your favorite products. Happy Birthday again and enjoy your day! xoxo

Mar 24, 2011

Victoria S.

Hi Jessica! Welcome to Beautylish

Jessica D.

Location: Ottawa, Canada

  • 0  Products Tagged

About Me

My 3 Goals in Life: - Travel the world - Get a professional degree - Own a pair of Louboutins

Eye Color: Hazel
Complexion: Light
Skin Type: Combination, Sensitive
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Oily
Birthday: July 18
Age: 36

@BEAUTEZINE (on twitter)