DEBATE: Are cosmetics morally wrong?
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Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
Question: Do you think that wearing cosmetics (from makeup, to hair products, to nail polish to perfume) is morally wrong?
There is this meme floating around on social media/internet of one of my fave beauty gurus Makeupd0ll. From the looks of this here's the video it's screen shot from:
She's literally being talked about by thousands (on tumblr alone it's like 4k notes) over this before and after. A LOT of people are calling her fake, insecure, and DECEPTIVE.
There has sparked a lot of controversy saying girls who wear makeup can't be trusted and so on.
What do you think? Are cosmetics deceptive and wrong?
Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
And also who would she be trying to deceptive? Oh yeah, that's really sneaky to post an online tutorial about it 😂😂 She's not trying to catch a man either because she just got MARRIED. Obviously, her man doesn't think makeup makes her any worse of a person.
Jul 23, 2014
Valerie C.
I don't think wearing cosmetics is wrong, I just think that wearing too much to the extent to wear you don't look like yourself is kind of like false advertisement. Yes, makeup is fun and it's meant to "enhance natural beauty", not to make yourself look like someone totally different. I kind of have mixed feelings about this post, because some individuals look entirely different with makeup on, which they don't do purposely. I think this is actually a little offensive to certain girls who wear makeup but not that much, we're getting the "fake" title for doing something so innocent. The media is seriously messed the hell up these days. If wearing that much makeup makes her happy, then okay, great, if other people have a problem with it, suck it the hell up! By the way, for who ever made this post, I think everyone has enough knowledge to know that they make waterproof makeup ;)
Jul 23, 2014
Lauren C.
I don't think cosmetics are morally wrong but I personally don't think they should be used to transform us into a different person, where people wouldn't recognise you without makeup. I think we should embrace our natural selves and only use cosmetics to enhance ourselves but not totally change ourselves as I find that deceptive. I know a lot of girls that are totally dependent on makeup and I don't think that should be the case but I don't think cosmetics are morally wrong
Jul 23, 2014
Kendra H.
It's a hard call. For me I feel that makeup and other cosmetic should be there to enhance your natural beauty and not put on an entirely new face. Idk who this woman is but from what I see it seems as if she uses makeup to actually become a new person and get rid of everything she doesn't like by packing on a full face and using things like filling eyebrows and cou touring to completely change herself. I think if you are completely changing what you look like then no makeup should not be used. That is extremely deceptive and I personally don't like it especially for dates since it's supposed to be the real you. It's very controversial but that's my thought...
Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
I kinda agree with you Vallerie. Except I loveee me a cake face 😝 I don't believe in the whole just "enhance natural beauty" thing. Makeup is an art form. It can be used for so much more and limiting it to just "looking a little better" is like a slap in the face to it lol.
Side note:
I also hate that men make it about them too. They aren't the center of our lives. Everything we do, is not for their pleasure. Most girls I know DONT put on makeup or dress up nice for their attention. It's for themselves. Why does going outside and walking around mean we are ADVERTISTING for anyone? Who are we trying to attract? Lol I get dolled up for my damn self 😂
And why would we try to put on things that the typical man knows nothing about? I have never heard a girl say "I'm going to take 15 mins on my winged liner everyday so guys will notice me?" 🙈🙈🙈
Jul 23, 2014
Andrea M.
Morally wrong? no.
false advertisement? maybe.
its kind of like wearing a push up bra under two more bras just because you think you have a small rack. just trying to put your best "self" forward but its just not the real you.
I'm not one to judge because I wear makeup often, but just wanted to add my opinion.
Jul 23, 2014
Amanda V.
I don't think it's morally wrong at all. I never leave the house without at least foundation, but that's my personal choice. I have many skin issues that I would like to cover but I don't think that makes me "deceiving." Let's be honest, none of us look the same without makeup on. Which is the beauty of makeup! It's a transformation. But it doesn't mean anyone is ugly without makeup. I see it as the best possible version of yourself, and I don't see anything wrong with that. She has the courage to show herself without makeup and I applaud her for that.
Jul 23, 2014
Mariany N.
Cosmetics aren't morally wrong, they are the best thing that ever happened! What Keisha is doing is what most of us girls do, she is trying to feel beautiful. People will say what they want to hurt you, you wearing cosmetics or not. I guarantee that if she didn't use any make up, they would make bad comments because of her skin conditions. And as Symone said, why would she post an online tutorial if she was trying to deceive?
Jul 23, 2014
Amanda V.
I guess my main point is, why should it be considered WRONG to feel confident?
That's not right to me..
Jul 23, 2014
Valerie C.
But Symone, you look THE SAME with or without, this girl, she looks like someone totally different. And I agree with the whole man situation, if he really loves you he'll accept you for who you are, but it was just super shocking to me, if she has skin conditions, a dermatologist would be her best bet. Putting all of this makeup on will not help and will most likely worsen her skin. I just know that putting on a different face is super shocking, I was convinced that this was photoshopped but, I see that it isn't.
Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
Haha Liz! Hair flip! 😂😂😭
Let's be real, we ALL use them. Have you ever wore...
Special body lotion?
Hair products?
Got a haircut?
nail polish?
Colored your hair?
Wore a padded bra?
Got your brows done?
...guess what? Thats cosmetic. We all use them. No one is totalllyyyy natural. I don't think it's right for someone to judge another because their pick of poison is different than yours.
Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
Jul 23, 2014
Tori D.
Honestly it really bothers me when people say that wearing makeup or promoting cosmetics is just encouraging insecurity.. If something makes you feel better about yourself then I don't see the problem. Makeup is an art in itself and is a way to express and accentuate your inner beauty. It is by no means a way to deceive people. As long as you love what you're doing or the way you look then who cares what other people think?
Jul 23, 2014
Lauren G.
Oh yes I hate when men post that meme saying "this is why you take a girl swimming on the first date" like I don't put my makeup on for you, please. As if they are so shocked and upset when we don't look like Barbie dolls at all times. They're not so cute all the time themselves. As for this female in particular, she is beautiful before and after. What she can do with makeup is amazing and transformative but it makes me wonder if she is not happy with how she looks without it all as it's not just oh, some eyeliner some blush. I would never guess it was the same person in both pics. But it's not my
Place to judge someone on how much makeup they wear or don't wear. I just hope she is happy with the face she wakes up with in the morning and it's all good.
Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
And I don't believe she's been deceptive. The only way was if she just tried to act like "I WOKE UP LIKE THIS." Which I just seen a girl today with her makeup pic edited half way to hell, and someone asked her what she used to edit and she said "my face is just like this" 🙈🙊🙊 Makeupd0ll is on YouTube doing makeup letting the world see her flaws and her makeup application. She isn't being deceptive at all. It's not like drag, where women pretend to be men.
And I hate when people do that Erin! They always try to bring God into it. As if Christianity boils down to if you bleach your hair or not. 🙊 but that's a wholeee nother topic
Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
Amen tori and lauren! 👌👌
Jul 23, 2014
Lauren G.
Another thing though, why doesn't she try to have her skin at least the same skin tone/color as she is naturally? With all the makeup she is much lighter and I'm not sure why she chose to do that
Jul 23, 2014
Kaitlin M.
Cosmetics aren't morally wrong to me. I hate when guys say "you can never trust a girl who wears makeup". Oh okay I'm sorry that because I want to be more confident and secure with myself, I'm untrustworthy. There's a fine line with wearing makeup and taking it off, and people who aren't seen without having makeup on.
And Lauren I so agree with you. Men want girls to be perfect, but half of the guys I've seen look like monkeys (obviously not literally but you get what I'm saying lol)
Jul 23, 2014
Lauren G.
Omg when people edit their pics and deny it 😒😳😤 like I can clearly see it's edited do not play me like I'm stupid. It's cool we all do it sometimes but don't lie ahhhh! Drives me nuts
Jul 23, 2014
Emily W.
Morally wrong? No. False advertising? No.
A person's appearance is a reflection of themselves. Everything from hair cut to eyebrow shape to what clothes one wears is a personal decision and a statement to the world. If a woman chooses to completely transform her face with makeup until she looks like a different person, that is her decision. She is making herself look how she perceives herself to look, regardless of the canvas underneath. I'll never buy into the whole "makeup should enhance your natural beauty" philosophy, because not everyone feels that they have natural beauty-- and that is perfectly okay! There is nothing wrong with changing the outside to look like how you want/feel it should look. Even if that is via pounds of makeup, it is still a reflection of yourself; therefore not false advertising.
Makeup isn't about deception. If you meet someone while wearing makeup and eventually they see you without makeup, it shouldn't make one iota of difference how they feel about you. You didn't change who you are as a person. If they claim that you are being deceptive or false advertising, they are shallow and not worth your time.
It is nobodies' business what makeup someone does or doesn't wear, or what they look like without it. The only thing "fake" is when people feel they have to look a certain way or believe a certain way to be accepted-- because then they aren't making their own choices, they aren't being themselves. If a girl eschews makeup and feels miserable and ugly because she's afraid of being called "fake", she's faking it just as much as someone who cakes on makeup to adhere to an image they don't really believe in.
Hope that all made sense, I'm hopped up on some really strong medications right now for pneumonia so my brain is not quite up to speed.
Jul 23, 2014
Rissa G.
I'm going to be honest, this female looks like a completely different prior to makeup application.
Is it wrong? Look, for me personally, I'm all for doing what you feel is comfortable to you. I believe everyone has the right to feel confident, beautiful, no I don't believe it is wrong, BUT I can see where the other end of the spectrum is coming from. Makeup + it's wearers are a very misunderstood controversial topic, and it ALWAYS will be.
Does it make you fake? Lol "fake", that word alone is so highschool. NO any appearance related thing doesn't define a person.
Does it make you insecure? Um, people stop at absolutely nothing to put other's down for wanting to feel good about
Is it deceptive? Yes, it is. Does ANYBODY look exactly the same before and after tons of makeup? No.. Which is a deception, per say.
But all in all, like I said, why should what you do to feel good about yourself, matter to ANYONE? The world is filled with shallow assholes, and trust me they're ALWAYS going to talk. So do you boooo. Like Liz said, it's a hair flip. 💁
Jul 23, 2014
Symone B.
I don't know lauren, might be the ring light and camera set up.
And Lmaooo Kaitlin, you tell them! They expect women to be these angels but it's like what do we really get in return? Why we have to look like beyonce and it's totally fine if he looks like jay-z? 🙈
Jul 23, 2014
Kendra H.
@symone B.
I do agree that it is an art form but for ME it is used to enhance natural beauty. I don't like to see girls that just cake on makeup to the point where it's a whole new face. For acting, editorials, Halloween etc.or special occasions THATS when it becomes the art form. But that's just me I have to respectfully disagree with some of your opinion. However, I do agree that men need to calm themselves and get off their high horses. We don't do this for them: we do it for ourselves, to feel pretty, and have some self expression. Why do guys feel everything we do is for them? Such a superiority complex!
Jul 23, 2014
Kendra H.
I do think that anyone can wear whatever they want makeup wise and no I'm not going to bash them for it; It just isn't what I peeps ally think makeup is for. But I'm not going to put someone down for their personal beliefs and applications of makeup! :)