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May 3, 2014

Nicole B.

I just wanted your reviews/experience with this product and if it's good to try :)

May 3, 2014

Kitty K.

It's horrible for your skin. Try a gentle scrub.

May 3, 2014

Nicole B.

Would it be a good exfoliater?

May 3, 2014

Leslie C.

It really exfoliates your skin but I wouldnt recomend it every day it can be really harsh on the skin once a week would be good c: also love the smell very fruity

May 3, 2014

Nicole B.

Yeah I'll probably use it once a week as an exfoliater because I have other acne products that work for me, thanks everyone :D.

May 3, 2014

Kitty K.

St. Ives Scrubs will damage the heck out of your skin in the long run, it's beads are way too harsh and abrasive for the skin, I have yet to meet a dermatologist that recommends it or a skin esthetician that doesn't cringe at it's name. It's beads are pointed, not round. So, it basically doesn't exfoliate your skin- it scratches it causing micro tears. By scratching it, it creates grooves in it and that makes it allows bacteria to clot and your skin to become more prone to blemishes.
People will always claim that it leaves their skin looking 'Healthy, Glowing, and beautiful'.
The reason it appears this way is because they removed a protective layer from their face and the skin that appears is not fully developed. The reason they don't find any blemishes is because they are basically over exfoliating, they are simply scratching the dirt and bacteria from out of their faces and damaging their skin again as they do.

It may seem harmless, but you can end up making your skin a lot worse in the long run. By over exfoliating, you can get a bacteria infection and can even end up with infections on the skin . Some have reported such bad effects from it, like having a cyst that was too infected and big that they ended up having a surgery to remove it.
Even if you don't get a cyst, other problems can occur too ( premature wrinkles, discolouration after continued use). It is best to use an exfoliant with smooth, round microbeads (sometimes even a facecloth is enough) and leave the St. I've's Scrub for your body, and not your face.

May 3, 2014

Sabrina N.

It will irritate acne try something else.

May 3, 2014

Stephanie R.

I have this in the CVS brand and I love it. it isnt as harsh as the st. ives one. great exfoliation and smells good too. I use out twice a week :)

May 3, 2014

Stephanie R.


May 3, 2014

Moni K.

I liked it but then stopped using it on my face because I read that the walnut pieces scratch your skin. Also my face is a bit sensitive so it got a little irritated after using it. Now I use it as a body scrub and it works really well. :)

If you're interested in a less abrasive scrub something with sugar or sea salt would work nicely. I think St. Ives would be alright if you used it once every other week or just when you need it.

Micro beads are horrible for the environment. They're so small that they can't be filtered out of water treatment plants so they end up in our water ways. These beads have the potential to block digestion in fish species and starve them of nutrients. The plastic also absorbs chemicals which can lead to DNA deformities in species. Plus when humans eat the fish the plastic and chemicals can transfer to us. These beads can stay in our environment for 50 years. Large companies like L'Oreal, Unilever and Johnson & Johnson are starting to remove beads from there products. Lol basically stick to natural exfoliants. :)