What's your favorite chapstick?


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Apr 7, 2014

Taylore G.


I get chapped lips during the winter, like , all the time. What I like to use is Chapstick Medicated. It feels refreshing on my lips. However, if you want to try something different, try bite beauty's agave lip mask. It's pricy at 27 dollars, but its worth it.

Apr 7, 2014

Shannon C.

Burt Bee's...the one that cost $6.99 in the brown tube. I forget the name of that line but it's so moisturizing.

Apr 7, 2014

Tonita C.

I looooooove Carmex. I hear it's horrible...addictive and has salicylic acid...but I love it! Have you tried he new lime flavored carmex? Mmmm...and I also love my fruit punch flavored Chapstick.

Apr 7, 2014

Kirstan H.

Sweet mint eos because it tingles on your lips and smells amazing:)

Apr 7, 2014

Caitlin M.

I don't use lip products that have petroleum if I can help it - it's a huge reason why some lip balms will make your lips feel dryer and A LOT of brands use it because it's a cheap ingredient.

But my favorites currently are: Alba coconut cream, Lush honey trap, Fresh sugar lip treatment (the holy grail in my opinion), and Jack Black lip balms. All are not your average $2 lip balm, I think the cheapest is the one by Alba, but they are worth it because they all actually work very well because they actually contain moisturizing ingredients that can get to the lips because there's no petroleum sealing them.